Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Sale Extended!

Due to an error with our Credit Card Processor we have extended our Black Friday Sale through Sunday. Fortunately, the Paypal payment feature can still be used to place orders. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have everything back up and running ASAP.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

As a merchant, we are always looking to expand and find new ways to get our products out there and visible to new buyers. Today we started a new seller account at and we invite you to go and check out our booth. With Bonanzle we are able to have one day blow out sales on items, so make sure to check it out for our latest liquidation!

Friday, November 14, 2008

University of Miami Ring of Honor Luncheon & UM vs VT Game

This turned out to be such a successful, interesting and fun day. We headed out early so that we could arrive at the luncheon with plenty of time to spare. We got there 45 minutes early, and it really paid off! While waiting to be able to enter the luncheon the ring of honor current members and inductees were walking in and out of the media room and some were signing autographs and taking pictures with the fans.

After we were allowed to enter the reception area, we all took our tables and then they introduced each one of the players. Almost everyone showed up, with the exception of Edgerinn James (who was preparing for his game on Sunday with the Cardinals), Bernie Kosar (not sure why), and Jim Dooley (who has passed away).

Everyone was really friendly and they were all willing to sign autographs. After we all ate our meals they presented the medals to the inductees and each one had an introduction video and gave a speech. Some of them were actually really funny, I'd say that Jim Otto and Jim Kelly gave two of the best speeches, they were charismatic and just downright funny.

After the luncheon was over we headed to the University of Miami vs Virginia Tech game. Once we killed several hours tailgating we got to go in, watch the U put another check in the Win column, and once again get to see the inductees presented their medals and watch their introduction videos. All in all, it was a great day and if the opportunity arises to do it again, I definately would. Here are some more photos for your enjoyment.

Gino Toretta Signing

Don Bosselor, Ted Hendricks, George Mira Sr (Left to Right)

Jim Otto Signing

Burgess Owens Signing

UM Players being introduced at the game

Inductees being honored at half time

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

University of Miami Ring of Honor Luncheon

Tomorrow we will be attending the University of Miami Ring of Honor luncheon where they will be inducting Edgerinn James, Jim Kelly, Cortez Kennedy, Jim Otto and Gino Torretta to the Ring of Honor. This sounds like it is going to be a really great event where we can get the chance to meet not only the new inductees, but also the current members of the ring (Ottis Anderson, Don Bosselor, Jim Dooley, Ted Hendricks, Bernie Kosar, George Mira, Burgess Owens and Vinny Testaverde).

The event should be pretty interesting, we get to have lunch and mingle with the players, and hopefully get a few autographs in there too! We'll make sure to post some pictures and details about the event on Friday, so make sure to check back!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vinny Testaverde Signing

On October 11th we had a signing with Vinny Testaverde, and WOW what a nice guy! Vinny had transported himself to the private signing that we had in Tampa, and he was not only on time, but he was early - which is a HUGE plus in my book. He came in and was all business, we got right to the signing and had all of the 400 items pumped out in about 1 1/2 hours.

After the signing was completed he was nice enough to throw a pass to Brian and take some pictures with all of us. It was at this time that he was introduced to the infamous Steel City Mauler (see picture to the right). He found the Mauler to be interesting to say the least. After he was done taking the picture with him, the mauler's alter ego Jason mentioned that Anthony Fasano had put him in a headlock. So Vinny, not to be outdone, decided that he should try this too!

All in all this turned out to be a fantastic signing, with an incredibly nice man and we look forward to meeting him again. If you are interested in purchasing some of his items, you can visit our website at Items are for sale on the website, as well as Ebay and - we have the direct links to the store on the front page of the site.

Welcome to Envoy Collectables Blog

Hello, and thank you for visiting our blog. We decide to put this up so that our clients and followers can get an inside view of the autograph sessions that we have and hear about how the athletes we work with are in person. We hope you enjoy reading about this and, if you have ever visited one of our shows, please feel free to leave comments!